The vast majority of organisations throughout the world, it is safe to say, operate like businesses, even though they may not necessarily be—strictly speaking—businesses, in and of themselves. Running an organisation like it’s a business—whether the organisation be a charity or something else—is the most effective way to ensure the organisation runs according to strict processes, hierarchical procedures—whether they’re horizontal or vertical makes no difference—and, most importantly, that the organisation has a vision that is shared by all—from the CEO all the way across to the middle managers, admin staff, gatekeeper, cleaner, caretaker, janitor.

This series of articles will expand on the best way to acquire not only business, but also management related certifications, diplomas, and degrees, qualifications that will enable you to progress from Further Education, into Higher Education—subsequently propelling you into the world of business and management. Management is a whole other beast: it is, as I keep telling people, an artform, and it has more to do with you, as an individual and your innate social skills, than it does to any skills you may acquire through a textbook or a lecture or a YouTube video. It is crucial, if you are to become a competent, trustworthy, able, and efficient manager to—first and foremost—continually work on your own social skills.

I tweet at@iamhamidshahid and can be reached via email at

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